Actual spam in HTML via MS Word versus the same thing in plaintext. The HTML version is 16.0 kilobytes. The Text version is 2.0 kilobytes. That's a factor of 8 times the size. If your bandwidth stays constant, HTML mail means a factor of 8 increase in download times. No thanks!
"Your e-mail is the first I've heard of it," said Joe Crawford, 31, a respiratory therapist who founded two years ago, and "I think I have a finger on some sliver of the pulse of the Web community."
to boot from the SCSI chainhtpasswd -c .htpasswd userNametoAdd
print "location:\n\n";
, imagecreate
, imagestring()
, imagepng()
sudo shutdown -r now
ipconfig /flushdns
dscacheutil -flushcache
or lookupd -flushcache
defaults write autohide-time-modifier -float 0.5;killall Dock
(via)for i in $( ls *.jpg); do convert $i -resize 640000@ re_$i; done
:xcopy /s/v/s/d/y C:\Websites\FRED\JCrawford W:\FRED\dev03
xcopy /s/v/s/d/y W:\FRED\dev03 C:\Websites\FRED\JCrawford
select NEWID()
log stream --predicate 'process == "clouddd" or process == "cloudphotod"'
command to monitor updating from iCloudgs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook
-dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dColorImageResolution=150
-sOutputFile=output.pdf someBigFile.pdf
Smorgasborg is spelled smörgåsbord
if you refer to a buffet in swedish.
(smörgås is a sandwich and bord a table in swedish)
That's all i had to say apart from:
nice website!
Peter Hammar
I know it's misspelled. I like it that way.
This is actually a Frequently Asked Question :-) But thanks!
- Joe
In May 2003 Andreas Brantmo asked me if I knew how to pronounce smorgasbord. I replied that Merriam Webster has a pronunciation. Good enough?
Well, it's good - but not good enough though :)
As a sign of friendship between us I send you the CORRECT pronunciation to avoid any future problems ;)
—Smörgås = Sandwich
—Bord = Table
—Smör = Butter
—Gås = Goose (bird)
So in English it would be "Sandwich Table" or "Butter Goose Table".