Old Drawings & Graphics

These are some old drawings and graphics I made. Some on contract, some for fun. I didn't know where to put them, so here they are.

I love taking an existing logo and putting a specific spin on it. It's technically challenging and easily causes chuckles! These logo parodies from my work in Flash. Pretty fun to turn everything into an ArtLung Parody logo.

A bad scan can become ...

...a lovely picture with the right PhotoShop skills

This image was created by me, inspired by Bobby Hedge, a fellow RT I went to school with at CHRV-CHS

The first logo parody I ever did - incorporating the "ArtLung" name in the form of Pasadena's Art Center College of Design - a place me and my pal Chris Greazel always wanted to go to school.

This is an original image I put together as a bit of a joke. It is an homage to my romance with Jennifer. She had told me that her favorite cereal was Cocoa Krispies.

I scanned the CK box, then a photo of the two of us.

I used the layers extensively, as well as the pen tool to accurately select and composite the different areas of the image.

She laughed and liked it very much.

Software used: Photoshop

Logo design idea for a cardiopulmonary department in a Hospital.

Hand drawn, scanned, vector conversion via Adobe Streamline, final design in Adobe Illustrator.


Logo design for a compilation tape made for my friend Erin.

Conversion of sketches to vector files suitable for sending to an etching machine.

© 1997 Look Ma! Custom Etching Services. Used by permission.

Kingman Films Logo

It started as a black & white fax. I recreated it in Illustrator 7, saving it as an eps file which I then imported into Flash 2. I tweaked the colors and saved everything as symbols to give myself maximal flexibility. Once I got it how the client wanted it, I exported a series of 24-bit color PICTs. These were then batch processed to GIF in DeBabelizer. Timing was perfected in GifBuilder.

Dazzle someone! wear ron's rhinestones!

Banner advertisement for Ron's Rhinestones built to client-spec.

Logo design for the San Diego Public Library Staff Association.

These are never-used logos I designed with a combination of scans of etching, conversion to vector, Illustrator with Plug-in Effects, and even some tweaking in CorelDraw! I was very new to professional work in design, and I"m quite proud of these designs.