# In article <joe-1603990908310001@dt093nc2.san.rr.com> , joe@artlung.com (Joe
# Crawford) wrote:
# > Just signed up with RoadRunner here ... and I was wondering how people set
# > up their Macs to "automatically" login to RoadRunner - the login app won't
# > take applescript recorded events, unfortunately - so I have to manually
# > type the password.
# I use this Perl script, saved as a MacPerl droplet, in the Startup Items
# folder.  It just logs in and quits. There's no keepalive or logout support.
# (Well, I think there was support to send the keepalive packets every so
# often and logout if you press Command-period, but I changed it so it just
# quits instead of leaving MacPerl sucking up CPU time waiting for the next
# opportunity to send a keepalive packet.)
# Copy this into a new MacPerl document, change the login and password, save
# it as a Droplet, and you should be off & running.
# If you don't already have MacPerl you can get the latest version from
# ftp://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch/software/platform/macos/perl/Mac_Perl_520r4_appl.bin


# My login and password
#       You should hard-code 'em here for quick access
#       if ya like...  If these have values you won't be prompted for 'em.
$login = "MyLogin";
$password = "MyPass";

#       Yours are different!!
$authhost = "tas.san.rr.com";
$proxyhost = "";
$proxyport = 8080;

# Perl 5 RoadRunner UNIX login code
#       By Mark Trostler adapted from Phil Karn's C code
#       4/2/97
#       Revised 8/13/97 to send non-outdating commands ('Linux')
#               And got rid of keepalives...
#       Command line options:
#       -v = Verbose mode - Highly Recommended!
#       -p <Proxy Host IP address>
#       -t <timeout value> - Just leave it at 30 seconds which is
#               the default
#       -h <Login Host IP address>
#       -l = Logout First - always a good idea!
#       Once you know these numbers I would hard-code them so you
#       don't need to type any command line options...
#       Check out lines 82 and 83.
#       You will be prompted for your login and password - which I'd
#       also hard code on lines 121 & 122.
#       Enjoy!

# Maybe this isn't necessary - but ya need 5.0 at least for sure...
require 5.003;

# Get all the good Socket stuff
use Socket;
use MacPerl;

# For command line
use Getopt::Std;

# Get some cool FileHandle methods
#       autoflush being the best...
#       Better than stupid $|...
use FileHandle;

# Unbuffer STDOUT

# Send logout message
#       (Also use as a signal handler to logout via Ctrl-C)
sub logout {

        my($signal) = @_;

        if ($myip)
                $wbuffer = sprintf("00,01,0000,00000038,%-16s,",$myip);
                print "Sending UDP logout message: $wbuffer\n" if ($DEBUG);
                sleep 3;

        if ($signal)
                print "Caught Ctrl-C: Logged Out at ".scalar(localtime)."\n";

# Catch Ctrl-C
$SIG{'INT'} = \&logout;

# Time between sending keepalives
$timeout = 32768;

# TCP we gotta connect to
$TCPPORT = 7283;

# UDP Port for keepalives on remote machine
$UDPPORT = 6284;

# Local port for UDP keepalives
$L_UDPPORT = 6285;

# Let's pretend we're Windows...
$os = "WIN-95";
$exec = "rrie95.exe";
$version = "";

# Parse command line arguments
$DEBUG = 1; # if ($opt_v);
$proxyhost = $opt_p if ($opt_p);
$timeout = $opt_t if ($opt_t);
$authhost = $opt_h if ($opt_h);

if (!$login)
        print "What's your login: ";
        $login = <STDIN>;
        chomp $login;

if (!$password)
        print "What's your password: ";
        $password = <STDIN>;
        chomp $password;

# Resolve authhost - which shouldn't be too difficult
#       'cuz it's already an IP address!!
if (!($hp = gethostbyname($authhost)))
        # If ya see this there's real problems
        #       because $authhost is already an IP address!!
       die "Couldn't resolve $authhost!";

print "Authhost = $authhost is ".inet_ntoa($hp)."\n" if ($DEBUG);

# Now create TCP socket to authhost
if (!socket(TCP_S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname('tcp')))
        die "Couldn't create TCP socket!";
# And unbuffer that bad-boy

# Create the 'sockaddr_in' structures for 'connect'
#       for both the TCP and UDP connexion
$p_server = sockaddr_in($TCPPORT,$hp);  # $hp is resolved $authhost
$u_server = sockaddr_in($UDPPORT,$hp);  # which is just $authhost!

print "Going to connect...\n" if ($DEBUG);

if (!connect(TCP_S,$p_server))
        die "$!: Couldn't connect to authhost!";

print "TCP connexion to $authhost established!\n" if ($DEBUG);

# Figure out who the heck I am
#       If ya used DHCP this got assigned automagically
#       Else it's just hard-coded by 'ifconfig'
$p_local = getsockname(TCP_S);
($l_port, $iaddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($p_local);
$myip = inet_ntoa($iaddr);

print "My IP address is $myip\n" if ($DEBUG);

# Now make a UDP socket for the keepalives
if (!socket(UDP_S,PF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,getprotobyname('udp')))
        die "Couldn't make UDP socket!";

# And unbuffer that bad boy

# First bind to the local port
my $local_UDP_port = sockaddr_in($L_UDPPORT,INADDR_ANY);
if (!bind(UDP_S,$local_UDP_port))
        die "Couldn't bind to local UDP port $L_UDPPORT!";

# Now connect to remote UDP_S port on $authhost
if (!connect(UDP_S,$u_server))
        die "Couldn't make a UDP connexion to Server!";

print "UDP Connexion made to $authhost for keepalives!\n" if ($DEBUG);

# If we need to logoff first...
&logout if ($opt_l);

# Now for the interesting stuff
#       Send TCP login sequence
print "Sending TCP login sequence\n" if ($DEBUG);

$wbuffer =

# Suck in everything...

# Make sure we got a valid response back
#       $in_buffer is a global variable that
#       'suck_in' fills...
#       If this first response doesn't contain your login
#       name then something went wrong...
if ($in_buffer !~ /$login/)
        print "Couldn't connect OR bad Username/Password\n";
        print "Try again!\n";

# Send next string
#$wbuffer = sprintf("02,03,0000,00000075,%-8s,1,%-32s,%-8s,",$os,$exec,$version);
#$wbuffer = sprintf("02,03,0000,00000201,WIN-95  ,4 ,rrie95.exe
, ,login.new                       , ,readme.txt
, ,modini.exe                      , ,");
#$wbuffer = sprintf("02,03,0000,00000201,WIN-95  ,4 ,modini.exe
, ,rrie95.exe                      , ,readme.txt
, ,login.new                       , ,");
$wbuffer = sprintf("02,03,0000,00000201,WIN-95  ,4 ,modini.exe
, ,rrie95.exe                      , ,readme.txt
, ,login.new                       , ,");
$wbuffer = sprintf("02,03,0000,00000075,Linux   ,0 ,");

# Suck in everything...

# Send last string
$wbuffer = sprintf("03,02,0000,00000021,");

# Suck in everything...

# Done w/TCP...

print "You are connected!\n\n";

} #End RETRY

# Ship off string to a handle...
sub send_off {
        my($fh,$string) = @_;

        print "tx: $string\n" if ($DEBUG);

        $string .= "\0";        #NULL terminate that bad boy
        if (length($string) != syswrite($fh,$string,length($string)))
                die "This is Bad: $!\n";


# Read in up to 256 bytes from a handle...
sub suck_in {
        my($fh,$bytes) = @_;

        $bytes = sysread($fh,$in_buffer,256);

        print "rx: $in_buffer\n" if ($DEBUG);