- Abtech Systems
- ACCEL Technologies
- Acadia Pharmaceuticals
- Access Research Corp.
- Accord Solutions
- Accu-Seal Corporation
- AccuCom Wireless Services
- AccuPrint, Inc.
- Acquired Knowledge, Inc.
- Action Instruments, Inc.
- Acucobol, Inc
- Acucorp
- Adante
- Adaptra
- ADC Telecommunications
- Adept Computer Solutions
- Admit 1 Technologies and Victory Sports
- Advancd Bodymetrics
- Advanced Business Software
- Advanced Communications Systems
- Advanced Information Resources
- Advanced Personnel Systems, Inc
- Aeginst
- AEM, Inc.
- Aeronex, Inc.
- Akcess2k
- Alaris Medical
- Alcatel USA
- Allegiant Technologies, Inc.
- Allied Signal Inc.
- Altris Software Inc.
- American Assoication of Electronics-San Diego
- American Scientific
- American Technology
- American TriTech
- Ameritrol, Inc.
- Amistar Corporation
- Amylin Pharmaceuticals
- Anacomp, Inc.
- Annabooks
- Anchor Chips
- ANDATACO Network Storage Solutions
- Aneteon Corp
- Angel Studios
- Annasoft Systems
- Aonix
- Apollo Consumer Products
- Applied Data Technology Inc.
- Applied Digital Access
- Applied Magic
- Applied Micro Circuits Corp
- Apricorn
- Aptex
- Apunix Computers Services
- AquaDyne, Corporation
- Arbor Publishing Corp.
- Arcom Electronics, Inc.
- Artecon, Inc
- ARINC Research Corp
- ARMA Design
- ASEG, Inc.
- Astroterra Corp.
- ATCOM/Info
- ATMnet
- Autosplice, Inc.
- Axiom Biotechnologies
- Axxis Computer Technologies
- AxisInternet
- Axxis Computer Technologies
- Azron Inc.
- @Back-Up
- BF Goodrich Aerospace, Aerostructures Group
- Ball Systems Engineering Operations
- Bay Park Technology Group
- Beckman Coulter, Inc.
- Berg Systems Int'l, Inc.
- Bien Logic, Inc.
- Biospherical Instruments, Inc.
- Blue Data
- Blue Sky Software Corp.
- Bluebird Systems
- Blue Data Inc.
- Boatracs, Inc.
- Broadcast Microwave Services, Inc.
- C2i Solutions, Inc.
- CACI Int'l Inc.
- CADAS Software
- CAIG Laboratories, Inc.
- California Instruments Corp.
- Cambridge Agency Systems
- Canadian Consulate Trade Office
- Cardiff Software
- CardioDynamics
- Centrax Corp
- Century Design, Inc.
- CERFnet
- CH Products
- Challenge 2000 International, LLC
- Challenger Software, Inc.
- Channelmatic, Inc.
- Chariot Software Group
- Chassis Plans
- ChatSpace LLC
- Chem-Tronics, Inc.
- Chrystal Software
- CliniComp International
- CMstat Corporation
- Coded Communications
- Color Solutions, Inc.
- Comdisco
- Composit Communications
- Composit Optics, Inc.
- Computer Modules, Inc
- Com2001 Technologies, Inc.
- Comptek Federal Systems
- Compucom Systems
- Computer Associates Int'l, Inc.
- Computer Economics
- Computer Processing Unlimited, Inc.
- Computer Sciences Corp.
- Computerzed Micro Solution
- ComQuest Technologies, Inc.
- ComStream
- Conceptual Dimensions, Inc.
- CONEXANT Systems
- Conexus, Inc.
- Connect
- Consumers Edge, Inc.
- Continuous Computing
- Contigo Software
- Continuous Computing Corp
- Controltec, Inc.
- Copper Mountain
- Corrugated Technologies, Inc.
- Corvas
- Covely Information Systems, Inc.
- Crown Circuits, Inc.
- Crystel Network
- CST Images
- Cubic Corp
- Cubic/CVideo Mail
- Cutting Edge
- Cyckic Software
- Cymer, Inc.
- Daou Systems
- Data/Ware
- DataFlow Software
- DataWorks Corporation
- Datron World Communications, Inc bought by TITAN
- Deltec Corporation
- Denso International America, Inc.
- DepoTech Corp.
- Design Technology, Inc.
- Destiny Group
- Dexter Electronic Materials
- DH Technology, Inc.
- Digigami, Inc.
- Digital Medical Registar, Inc.
- Digital Equipment Corp.
- Digital Stock
- DigitalStyle Corp
- Digital Wizards, Inc.
- DINET, Inc.
- DK&A, Inc.
- Document Sciences
- Dover Pacific Computing, Inc.
- DPC Technology Corp.
- DTAI, Inc.
- Dura Pharmaceuticals
- E/G Electro-Graph, Inc.
- Earth Resource Mapping
- EchoLink Interactive
- Eclipse Interactive Television
- Ectron Corp.
- e. Digtal Corp
- Education News & Entertainment Network
- Eldyne Inc.
- Electronic Online Systems Int'l
- Elemental Software
- ENCAD, Inc.
- Enen
- Energy Science Laboratories, Inc
- Ensemble Communications
- Enterprise Solutions
- Epic Solutions
- Equifax National Decision Systems
- ERISS Corporation
- ETE, Inc
- Eti Solutions, Inc
- Excalibur Solutions
- Executive Business Services, Inc.
- Expersoft Corp. now Vertel
- Exten Industries
- Fastek Corp.
- Fibonacci Systems Group, Inc
- Financial Database Services
- Financial Profiles, Inc.
- 1st Net Technologies
- First Software Academy, Inc.
- First Virtual Holdings, Inc.
- FirstWorld Communications Now Huge Hosting
- Fluid Components Int'l
- Focus Software Int'l
- Footprint Technology, Inc.
- Foremost Solutions
- Fort'e
- Foundation for Enterprise Development
- 4N6XPRT Systems
- Fulcra, Inc
- Fujitsu
- Future Focus, Inc
- GEC-Marconi Materials Corp
- Genesis Communication Now Vycera
- Genetronics
- General Atomics
- General Instrument
- GDE Systems, Inc.
- GERS Retail Systems
- Gigatek Memory Systems, Inc.
- GMB Knowledge Management, Inc.
- GigaTrend, Inc.
- Global Data Security USA Inc.under construction
- Golden Bow Systems
- GP Batteries USA
- GraphPad Software, Inc.
- Greco Systems
- GreyStone Technology
- Gryphon Software Corp.
- GTI Software Corp.
- Gulbransen Inc.
- Healthdemographics
- HealthLine Systems, Inc.
- Heliotrope General
- Hewlett-Packard Company
- HP Large Format Print Media
- High Technology Solutions
- Hi-Z Technology, Inc.
- HK Systems
- HNC Software, Inc.
- Horizons Technology, Inc.
- HTML/Script Corp
- Hughes Network Systems
- Hydranautics
- HyperLogic Corporation
- I-Bus, Inc.
- Info Gation Corp
- Island Data
- Image Tech. Corp
- ImageWare Software, Inc.
- Imaging Technology Corp.
- Impact Solutions Corp.
- IMSPACE Systems
- InContact Systems, Inc.
- Industrial Computer Source
- Indyme Electronics, Inc.
- InfoGation Corp.
- Inovie Software, Inc.
- In Silico Technologies, Inc.
- Interactive Group, Inc
- Interactive Simulations, Inc
- Interactive Telesis Inc.
- Intergrate
- Integrated Life Sciences
- Intergrated Space Systems
- Intergrated Microwave
- Integrated Neuroscience Consortium
- IntegraSys
- Inter-National Research Institute
- Interlex Systems
- International Enzymes, Inc.
- Internet Magic Inc.
- Internet Strategy
- InterNetwork Media, Inc
- Intrak, Inc
- Intuit Inc.
- Invest Learning
- InVzn Development, Corp.
- Isis Pharmaceuticals
- IVID Communications
- JABRA Corp.
- Jaycor
- JDS Solutions Corp.
- Jintek
- JobRight. com
- Jostens Learning Corp.
- Johnson Matthey
- Keylime Software
- KIC Thermal Profiling
- Konexx
- Kokusai Communications Systems
- Konexx (Unlimited Systems Corp)
- Kreiss Johnson Technologies, Inc.
- KW Microwave Corp.
- Kyocera America, Inc.
- L-3 Communications
- LaFouda Solutions
- La Jolla Pharmaceutical
- Lambada Electronics Inc.
- Land-5 Corporation
- Language Services Int'l
- Laser Diagnostic Technologies
- Leap Wireless
- Learnstar System
- Level 3 Communications
- Litton Computer Source
- Live Software, Inc.
- Logic Innovations
- Logica Group
- Luxor Technologies
- MacSourcery
- MP3
- Magma
- Marotz
- Maxwell Business Systems
- Maxwell Technologies, Inc.
- Medibuy
- Melles Griot
- Mercotac, Inc.
- Message Media
- Metacomp, Inc.
- MetaMedix
- Metric Systems Corp.
- Metropolis Techologies
- Metrika
- Metallic Power Inc.
- Micro Computer Specialists, Inc.
- MicroElectornic Packaging
- MicroSeconds Int'l Inc.
- MicroVision Development
- MIPS Dataline America
- Mitchell Int'l
- Mitek Systems, Inc.
- MIT Enterprise Forum of San Diego
- Miva Corp.
- Molecular Simulations Inc.
- Molecular Biosystems
- Mondo Solutions
- Moonlight Products, Inc.
- MSC Speciality Films, Inc.
- MSR Development Corp
- Multimedia Productions
- Multilingual Translations, Inc
- MultiSource
- Mycogen
- Nanogen
- National Decision Systems
- Ncompass Systems, Inc.
- NeocorTech
- Netcom
- Net Manage, Inc.
- Net Partners Internet Solutions
- Netrom, Inc.
- Networld Exchange
- Networld Solutions
- Network Music, Inc
- NewGen Imaging Systems
- NextLevel Systems, Inc
- NextWave Telecom, Inc.
- Nicolet Imaging Systems
- Nikean
- Nisus Software, Inc.
- Novatel Wireless, Inc.
- NovaTelligence, Inc.
- NTN Communications, Inc.
- Nuera Communications, Inc.
- Oasis Computer Products, Inc.
- ObjectLogic Inc
- Odyssey Computing, Inc.
- Okbridge, Inc.
- Ontro
- Ortiva Wireless
- Overland Data, Inc.
- Pacific Coast Software
- Pacific Datavision
- Pacific Design Specialists
- Page Technology Marketing
- Paladin Software, Inc.
- Palomar Software
- Palomar Technologies Corp
- PAR Government Systems Corp
- Paravision Software
- Patriot Scientific Corp
- PC Power & Cooling
- PC Synergy, Inc.
- Pearl Technologies
- People Post
- Peregrine Systems, Inc.
- Performance Electronic Packaging Services
- Personalogic
- Petrolsoft Corp.
- Photomatrix
- Photon Research Associates, Inc.
- Planet Polymer Technologies
- PowerSource
- Pragmatic Instruments, Inc.
- Praja Inc.
- Predicate Logic Software Systems Inc.
- Presto Studios
- Previo Inc.
- Prisa Networks
- Probe Master, Inc.
- Proxima Corp.
- Pulse
- QPR America
- Quake Wireless
- Qualcomm, Inc.
- Quality Production & Research
- Quantum Design, Inc.
- Quantum Materials, Inc. DEAD LINK
- Rancho Santa Fe Technology
- Radiation Oncology Computer Systems
- RDI Computer Corp.
- Remote Ocean Systems, Inc.
- Research Information Systems
- RF Microsystems
- Rhythms NetConnections, Inc.
- Reticular Systems, Inc.
- RFP Express inc
- Rhythms Net Connections
- Rockwell Seminconductor
- Rodopi Software
- Roger Wagner Publishing
- Romer, Inc.
- Safeskin
- San Diego Magnetics
- San Diego Manufacturing Extension Center
- San Diego Regional Economic Development Corp.
- San Diego Science Alliance
- San Diego Software Industry Council
- San Diego Supercomputer Center
- San Diego Tech Alliance
- San Diego Tech Force
- San Diego Technology News
- Sandstone
- Science Applications Int'l Corp. (SAIC)
- Sciteq Communications, Inc.
- SCS Corp
- SCT Utility Systems
- SCV Systems
- Sequana Therapeutics Inc.
- SeaSpace Corp.
- Servicewave Inc.
- SGS-Thompson Microelectronics, Inc.
- Sierra Natuional Corp.
- Sigma Systems Corp.
- Signal Engineering, Inc.
- Signal Processing Systems
- Silicon
- Silk Road
- Silverwood Services & Technology
- Simpact Assoc., Inc.
- Simple Net
- Sims Software
- Sionix Corp.
- Smartcode
- Smartek Software
- Smart Marketing Technologies
- Soladyne
- Solectek Corp.
- Solimar Systems, Inc.
- Solsource Computers
- Sony Electronics, Inc.
- Solution400 International
- South By Southwest
- SpaceDev
- Space Electonics, Inc.
- Spectragraphics Corp.
- Spencer Learning
- St. Bernard Software
- StarGuide Digital Networks, Inc
- StatMarket
- StellarSoft
- Stellcom Technologies
- StoragePoint. com
- StorePoint, Inc.
- Straight Up!
- Strain Monitor Systems, Inc.
- Structural Bioinformatics
- Sun Microsystems, Inc
- Surgical Grade Software
- Symitar Systems, Inc.
- System Design Group
- Systems Engineering Associates
- Systran Software, Inc.
- Talaris Sysstems Inc.
- Teal Electronics Corp.
- T Channel
- Technology Locator Corp
- Technovation Software
- TechnoVision Communications, Inc
- TEKTRIS Electro Corp.
- Tele-Images, Inc.
- TeleMagic, Inc.
- Template Graphics Software
- Tenet Networks, Inc
- The National Dispatch Center, Inc.
- Texso Instruments
- The Titan Corp.
- ThermoTrex
- Tiernan Communications
- Tiscor
- Titan Linkabit
- TomaHawk
- Torrey Science Corp
- Totality Software
- Total Media Technologies, Inc.
- Touch Controls, Inc.
- Trandes Corp.
- Trexcommunications
- TriTeal Corp.
- Tiscor
- Trilodyne Software, Inc
- Turbo Net Com
- Turner Compliance Services
- TV/COM Int'l, Inc.
- UCSD School of Engineering
- Uniden San Diego Research
- University Netcasting, Inc.
- Urban Information Systems
- UROS Corp
- US Logic
- USA Talks
- Valhalla Scientific, Inc.
- Valor Electronics, Inc.
- Venue Software, Inc.
- ViaSat, Inc.
- Vibro-Acoustic Sciences Inc.
- ViewPlan, Inc
- Virtual Chemistry, Inc
- VisiCom Laboratories, Inc.
- Virtual Gaming
- Vista Info. Solutions
- Visual Integration, Inc
- Vortex Data Systems
- Roger Wagner Publishing, Inc.
- Waterside Productions, Inc
- Wavetek Instruments Division
- WaveWare Communications, Inc.
- Web Data Corp.
- Webside Story
- Westek Presentation Systems
- Wheb Ststems, Inc.
- Wireless Knowledge
- Wireless Test Systems
- Working Computer
- World Trade Center/San Diego
- Wright Strategies
- Xentec Power Systems
- XLNT Designs, Inc.
- XXys Technologies, Inc.
- ZiaSun
- Znet
- Zone Automation